I lost my animal, what do I do? 


 If you lost your cat near your house or elsewhere, its reaction will be hiding immediately, especially if it’s not familiar with the environment in which it is. Even if the animal is not familiar with the environment, a situation like this disturbs it. It can cause an emotional trauma, fright, and could eventually lead to diseases, fever affecting its hearing, its sight, etc. It usually doesn’t go too far from its household. If it’s injured or scared, it will hide somewhere dark far from glances.


Here is some advice to help you look for your animal. 

  • Go around all your neighborhood by calling your cat’s name. Ask other people near you such as bystanders, neighbors, salesmen… Act as fast as possible so that the animal doesn’t go too far. 
  • At nightfall, carry out inspection rounds in the neighborhood by calling out your cat’s name out loud so that it recognizes you.  Try to make your route constant by going out at least three hours per night. Cats get used to a routine quickly. In most cases, your cat might hear you during the first night, but its fright and shock impede it to come back to you. With time, it will familiarize itself with your call and come back to you. Try to imitate a sound that the animal knows well. For example, shake a bag of candies for cats. The scared cat might hide in unusual places. Remain patient and don’t despair. 
  • Print posters with a description and recent pictures of your cat along with a number where you can be reached at (leave out your address). Put these posters in strategical spots: bus shelters, stores, schools…
  • If your animal is tattooed or has an electronic chip, notify its loss to Fichier Félin I-CAD at 0810 778 778.

Contact the SPCA. They will help you follow the steps.

Montreal’s SPCA: 514-735-2711, post 1, or send an email to perdu@spcamontreal.com


  • Enroll your cat on websites made for lost cats: 


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Chat Perdu.org


  • Inform vets, city halls, local police stations, pounds, associations, mailmen, garbagemen, delivery men. Leave them your posters. It’s always better to hand them in person because it’s more reliable than phone calls.